Q4 2024 Blogpost

It's been a while since the last blog post.
There hasn't been too much news for most instances, so that's good.


In december, we did a migration of https://toot.community which ran on a complicated, expensive (but very nice) tech stack, to a simpler and cheaper solution. The migration went fine. This will save us at least 200,– each month.


We also installed https://friendica.world in September. In January 2025, when Zuckerberg made some worrying announcements about their Meta platforms, many new signups came to our Friendica server. At the time of writing, the instance has around 2500 active users.

This brings some challenges on getting the instance stable. There are no other large Friendica instances so tuning it is a bit trial-and-error, but we're getting there. We're planning to see if we can split the components to separate servers so scaling is easier.


I won't bother you with all the details, but the running costs for all our instances were between 2000 and 2300 EUR every month from September to January, and I think they might be down to 1900 in February.

The donations are also going down, from around 2300 in September to just under 2000 in January. Still just enough to cover spendings, but we might consider advertising the donation platforms, maybe monthly if donations start falling short.

Any questions or remarks can be sent to @ruud@mastodon.world